
Parish Finance Council

Tom Doyle, Marguerite Donnelly, David Graham, Joe Loya, Sean McGarry, Rev. Joseph Protano, Pastor.


Gerry Pierce and Stephen M. Cushman, CPA, MST

Buildings and Grounds Committee


Grass and Gardens

Catechist: David Turner, Ann Walsh, Coodinator

Faith Formation

Eucharistic Ministers

David Graham, Tom Doyle, Marguerite Donnelly, Carlos Salinas, Kim Sheridan and approved volunteers


Lorraine Cyr, Marguerite Donnelly, Maureen Flaherty, David Graham, Sean McGarry, Chris Orgen, Gerry Pierce, Carlos Salinas, Sue Schaller, Benjamin Casey and many approved volunteers




Altar Servers

Ann Henault

Musical Director

Susan Coffin, Kay McManus, Rosemary Millea, Susan Schaller, Joe and Lynn Loya, Maureen Flaherty, Star Santana and volunteers


Miriam “Mimi” Leveille

Food Pantry

David and Dottie Graham, General Chairpersons, Fr. Protano, Secretary/Treasurer.

Catholic Charity Fund Appeal

Chairpersons, Trustees, and Fr. Protano, Pastor/Treasurer

Bishop's Partnership in Charity

Independent organization and associated with St. Andrew Parish: President, Jayme Hennessy, Treasurer, Sue Schaller, Vice President, Lynn Loya, Secretary: Linda Closter

BI Catholic Ladies Guild Inc.

Many helping hands under the sponsorship of the St. Andrew Catholic Ladies Guild, Inc.

Not New Boutique

Fr. Protano

St. Andrew Fund